Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Library

03/04/2018 Version 54 of the ENTSO-E Code list is published. Version 54 of the ENTSO-E Code list is published as of 03/04/2018.
11/01/2018 Version 53 of the ENTSO-E Code list is published. Version 53 of the ENTSO-E Code list is published as of 11/01/2018.
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The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Library contains all the documents and definitions approved by ENTSO-E for the harmonisation and implementation of standardised electronic data interchanges.

Working Group EDI is responsible for the maintenance of all implementation guides concerning information interchange produced by ENTSO-E.

For any maintenance request concerning ENTSO-E documentation or guide, please use the ENTSO-E maintenance request form.

The implementation guides contained in this section are one of the building blocks for using UML-based (Unified Modelling Language) techniques in defining processes and electronic documents for interchange between actors in the electrical industry in Europe.

The guides are generally targeted towards business-to-business application interfaces using the full power of the acknowledgment process. However, it may be equally put into place in a more user-orientated fashion through a web-based service where the key elements of the acknowledgement process are implicit in the service itself.

For general information on Electronic Data Interchange, please see the EDI Info Page within the Market section of the website.

EDI best practice document v2.0

European style market profile (ESMP) documents

Common Information Model (CIM) and CIM based documents

IEC 62325 Framework for energy market communications

IEC 62325-301: Common information model (CIM) extensions for markets
International Standard Ed1 since 2014.
IEC 62325-351: CIM European market model exchange profile
International Standard Ed2 since 2016
IEC 62325-450: Profile and context modelling rules
International Standard Ed1 since 2013.
IEC 62325-451-1: Acknowledgement business process and contextual model for CIM European market.
International Standard Ed2 since 2017.
IEC 62325-451-2: Scheduling business process and contextual model for European market.
International Standard Ed1 since 2014.
Schema Schedule
IEC 62325-451-3: Transmission capacity allocation business process (explicit or implicit auction) and contextual models for European market.
International Standard Ed1.1 since 2017
IEC 62325-451-4: Settlement and reconciliation business process, contextual and assembly models for European market.
International Standard Ed2 since 2017
IEC 62325-451-5: Problem statement and status request business processes, contextual and assembly models for European market.
International Standard Ed1 since 2015
IEC 62325-503: Market data exchanges guidelines for the IEC 62325-351 profile
Technical Specification Ed1 since 2014
IEC 62325-504: Utilization of web services for electronic data interchanges on the European energy market for electricity
Technical Specification Ed1 since 2015
EIC data exchange
ENTSOE publication in 2015.
Implementation Guide ENTSO-E EIC data exchange
Coding schemes mapping
ENTSOE publication in 2016.
Implementation Guide ENTSO-E Coding schemes mapping
Weather process and energy prognosis
ENTSOE publication in 2017.
Critical Network Element
ENTSOE publication in 2015.
Implementation Guide ENTSO-E Critical Network Element
Contingency list, remedial actions and additional constraints (CRAC)
ENTSOE publication in 2017
Generation and load shift key (GLSK)
ENTSOE publication in 2017.
Common Grid Model Alignment (CGMA) data exchanges
ENTSOE publication in 2016.
ENTSO-E XML Namespace Reference Document
ENTSOE publication in 2016.
Implementation Guide ENTSO-E XML Namespace
The Introduction of Different Time Series Possibilities within ENTSO-E Electronic Documents
ENTSOE publication in 2011.
ENTSO-E RG CE Schedule Reporting Process
ENTSOE publication in 2016.
ENTSO-E reporting
ENTSO-E publication in 2017
HVDC Link Process
ENTSOE publication in 2015.
Implementation Guide ENTSO-E HVDC Link Process
Schema HVDCLink
Outage scheduling and network outage configuration
ENTSOE publication in 2017.
Implementation Guide Outage Business Process and Format