Core Capacity Calculation Region Project

What is the Core CCR project all about?

Sixteen TSOs follow a decision of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) to combine the existing regional initiatives of former Central Eastern Europe and Central Western Europe to the enlarged European Core region (ACER Decision 06/2016 of 17 November 2016). The countries within the Core region are located in the heart of Europe which is why the Core CCR Project has a substantial importance for the further European market integration.

Areas of cooperation

The TSOs have confirmed their commitment to implement all CCR-related obligations according to the respective European Commission Network Codes and Guidelines on electricity. The sixteen TSOs will in particular continue the development of a common day-ahead flow-based capacity calculation methodology in the Core CCR, project already started in March 2016. They will design and implement common capacity calculation methodologies for intraday and long-term time frames.

These methods will allow for an optimization of the transmission capacity of the grid by maintaining high level of security of supply. In addition, the Core CCR will develop a common methodology for coordinated redispatching and countertrading to effectively relieve congestions within the interconnected transmission network. For an effective cooperation, the TSOs have set up the Governance structure of the Core CCR and have worked on a Roadmap to perform the related tasks:


The TSOs involved in the Core CCR are commited to transparency.

This is why the Core CCR TSOs plan to involve the concerned market parties of the Core CCR and present them with the status of the deliverables via periodic consultative groups.


If you have any questions please send them to

All questions received will be forwarded to and answered by the Core project. Please find below a document with the main 'questions and answers' about the project.

Related Documents

Below is a list of the relevant documents detailing the history of how the project developed.

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