ENTSO-E is governed by an Assembly representing the 43 Transmission System Operators and by a Board consisting of 12 elected members.
Executive Members
Ben Voorhorst
PresidentTenneT, Netherlands/Germany
Hervé Laffaye
Vice-President of the AssemblyRTE, France
Bente Hagem
Chair of the BoardStatnett, Norway
Pascale Fonck
Vice-Chair of the BoardElia, Belgium
Board Members
Taavi Veskimagi
Elering, Estonia
Zbynek Boldis
ČEPS, Czech Republic
Fabio Bulgarelli
Terna, Italy
Kamilla Csomai
MAVIR, Hungary
Rainer Joswig
TransnetBW, Germany
Santiago Marin
REE, Spain
Mark Pickles
National Grid, United Kingdom
Jukka Ruusunen
Fingrid, Finland
Tomasz Sikorski
PSE, Poland
Yves Zumwald
Swissgrid, Switzerland
Committee Chairs
Ines de la Barreda
Chair of the Legal and Regulatory GroupREE, Spain
Konrad Purchala
Chair of the Market CommitteePSE, Poland
Guido Guida
Chair of the Research, Development and Innovation CommitteeeTerna, Italy
Sébastien Lepy
Chair of the System Development CommitteeRTE, France
Joachim Vanzetta
Chair of the System Operations CommitteeAmprion, Germany
Association Documents
ENTSO-E was formally established and given legal mandates by the EU’s Third Energy Package, which was adopted in July 2009. Although the Third Energy Package did not formally apply until March 2011, ENTSO-E was created in December 2008 and fully operational as of July 2009.
In December 2010, in order to be fully compliant with the obligations under Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 regarding the establishment of the Association, ENTSO-E submitted its Articles of Association and Internal Regulations to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the European Commission (EC). Based on the opinions formulated by ACER and the EC, ENTSO-E’s Assembly adapted the documents in June 2011.
The Articles of Association and Internal Regulations were further reviewed and improved in September 2014.
The Articles of Association govern, among others, the operation of ENTSO-E, its membership, the roles and relationships between the various ENTSO-E’s bodies and the distribution of voting rights between the members.
The Internal Regulations complements the Article of Association by defining the practical and technical rules and procedures governing the operations of the Association.